All tagged strategy

Case Study 1: From Hard Work & Health Challenges To Alive & Successful

When I met this client – let’s call her Sally – she had come to me after just finishing a group program. Sally felt like she knew what she needed to do, but she wasn’t taking the action – she wasn’t selling, she wasn’t even posting because she didn’t know what to post, let alone feeling clear about what it is that she does and who she helps. Sally felt unclear, overwhelmed, and frazzled. In just 3 short months, Sally and I redesigned her business and strategy to fit her, and as a result, she signed clients, booked events, left her day job, and feels alive like she once desired! Here’s how we did it.

Eps. 66: Sales Tip #1: Why You're Not Making Sales [Sales Series]

Episode 66 dives into the biggest challenge I see with clients - why you’re not making sales and signing clients. In this episode, I walk through the 3 key things you need to do to fix this. I also share how you can shift all of these things in just 2-hours. This is part of the new mini sales series, giving you actionable tips through short episodes so you can make more sales in your business.

Eps. 45: One Must-Have Marketing Tool for ANYTHING You Do

Episode 45 shares the one must-have marketing tool no matter what your business or big idea is -- building an email list! In this episode, I share specific examples how I've built my email lists, how I use it for both my businesses, and why it's important. Plus, I walk you through tangible steps how you can start building your email list and which platforms I recommend.

Eps. 24: Life Update: Consistency, Overwhelm & Success

Episode 24 shares a life update with transparency and behind the scenes of overwhelm, consistency, and both in relation to success. In this episode, I dive into how I haven't been consistent and my process as a business owner of how I make hard decisions as a business owner with my values and priorities. I walk you through actionable steps to help you work through overwhelm and prioritize your own to do list, even when that means making hard decisions.

Eps. 18: Human Design & Alignment: Recognizing your not-self theme and leveraging your strategy to shift your experience [Human Design Series]

Episode 18 is all about using your Human Design strategy and not-self theme to shift back into alignment. In this episode, I dive into each of the 4 strategies and not-self themes to help you understand how you're designed to recognize when you're out of alignment and how to take action to realign. I walk you through actionable steps for each strategy, where you may have been conditioned, and how to allow yourself to lean into how you're uniquely designed to feel fulfilled and aligned.

This is the third episode in the Human Design series to help you leverage how you're uniquely designed and release past conditioning so you can work, decide & manifest easier and feel more aligned & fulfilled in your Life & Business.

Eps. 10: Awkward Sales Stories & How to Fix Them [Build the RIGHT Business for YOU Series]

Episode 10 is all about sales. In this episode, I share my own awkward sales stories, how to fix them, and what you really need to focus on to close more sales in your business. Plus, I walk you through actionable steps to how to make your sales conversations feel better and not awkward.

This is the fifth episode in the Build the RIGHT Business for YOU series to help new business owners take their ideas and passions and confidently start their business so they can make money doing what they love and live life on their own terms!

Eps. 9: The Marketing Game: How to market your new business [Build the RIGHT Business for YOU Series]

Episode 9 is all about marketing. In this episode, I share how to treat marketing like a game, the 60/40 rule, as well as misconceptions you might be guilty of when it comes to your business. I walk you through actionable steps to how to get started with a simple marketing strategy for how to get your first client you can immediately implement.

This is the fourth episode in the Build the RIGHT Business for YOU series to help new business owners take their ideas and passions and confidently start their business so they can make money doing what they love and live life on their own terms!