Eps. 17: Human Design & Decision Making: Using your authority to make easier decisions [Human Design Series]

Eps. 17: Human Design & Decision Making: Using your authority to make easier decisions [Human Design Series]

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About the Episode:

Episode 17 is all about using your Human Design Authority to help you make easier decisions. In this episode, I dive into each of the 7 authorities to help you understand how you're designed to make decisions. I walk you through actionable steps for each authority, where you may have been conditioned, and how to allow yourself to lean into how you're uniquely designed to let decisions feel easier.

This is the second episode in the Human Design series to help you leverage how you're uniquely designed and release past conditioning so you can work, decide & manifest easier and feel more aligned & fulfilled in your Life & Business.

Learn more about Danielle at www.danielleuhl.com

Learn more about the podcast at www.danielleuhl.com/podcast

Show Notes

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • How understanding your Authority can make your decisions easier

  • Contemplating your conditioning and deciding how to move forward to release old patterns

  • Building trust with yourself to make the right decisions for you

  • Actionable steps for each authority to understand how you may have been conditioned and hoe you can use your authority to make decisions feel easier

Where to Pull your Human Design Chart:

Actionable Steps: Human Design Authority & Decision Making

Emotional Authority

With a defined Solar Plexus, you make decision by riding an emotional wave. This authority comes with giving yourself time and space to experience all your emotions that may arise about making a decisions until you reach neutrality that usually results in a state of clarity about the decision.

Actionable Steps:

  • Allow yourself to feel all of your emotions that come up in the decision-making process.

  • You may have been conditioned by others that “you’re too sensitive/emotional,” or “just be more logical.” Understand that this is your process and don’t make it wrong.

  • Give yourself time and space to ride your emotional wave until you get back to your neutral state where you will typically find the clarity to make the right decision for you.

Sacral Authority

With a defined Sacral center, as a Generator or Manifesting Generator, you are meant to wait to respond to the things around you and, specifically, respond with a gut-feeling as your authority. This feeling will usually show up as a “yes” or a “no” in your body.

Actionable Steps:

  • Allow yourself to feel into your gut with what feels like the right decision for you and begin to trust it.

  • Try to ask yourself “Yes” or “No” questions, instead of “How", “Why” or open-ended questions to elicit the gut-response.

  • You may have been conditioned to explain your decisions or be more logical. Release this conditioning and understand that you don’t always need to understand why a decision feels right or wrong — sometimes it just feels right.

Splenic Authority

With a defined Splenic center, you can tap into your internal guidance or intuition to know when something feels right, wrong, or off. This authority is typically quicker than the mind can think through something and may not always be explained why.

Actionable Steps:

  • The hardest thing about this authority is listening to it and trusting it. The Splenic intuition is quieter and more of a “nudge” rather than a gut-check like the sacral center.

  • Allow yourself to go with the first inner knowing you have. Like they say about a multiple choice test, we tend to second guess ourselves by using logic or uncertainty, rather than trusting our intuition. Instead, feel into what first comes up for you for the answer, whether it’s an inner voice, knowing, or nudge.

  • You may have been conditioned to explain your decisions or be more logical. Release this conditioning and understand that you don’t always need to explain yourself — trust your intuition or inner guidance.

Ego/Heart Authority

As a Projector or Manifestor, this is a rare authority making up just over 1 percent of the population. With the Ego/Heart authority, you know what you want, especially in the moment when things are happening, and you tend to act spontaneously or impulsively to make it happen.

Actionable Steps:

  • When you feel the urge and you know what you want, allow yourself to inform others and act spontaneously.

  • You may have been conditioned, especially by parents, that you need to “think things through,” or “think before speaking/acting,” and they’ve probably made you feel that acting spontaneously is wrong. Release this conditioning and start trusting your impulsive feelings to inform and take action when it feels like you want to.

  • Allow yourself to act and speak more without feeling like you need to filter yourself or hold yourself back. This can be scary to start doing if you’ve been conditioned that this is wrong. Give yourself permission to start testing this as you start feeling those impulsive so you can start trusting your authority more.

Self-Projected Authority

As a Projector with a defined G-center, this poses a very different, non-energetic yet powerful authority. With a self-projected authority, you have a strong sense of your self-identity that you are able to express and deeply guide others when invited.

Actionable Steps:

  • Allow yourself deep, centered time to tune within to listen to your inner voice and truth to find the answers and make decisions.

  • You may have been conditioned that you need to “take more action” or feel the pressure of needing to do more. But this is going to be draining for you as a non-energetic being. Allow yourself to truly wait for the invitation to guide others and express your true identity.

  • Find go-to people who you feel fully seen, heard, and safe with who you can talk things through and fully be yourself. Allow yourself to talk things through and express yourself in an unfiltered way so that you can gain the clarity you need to make the right decisions for you.

Environment/No Inner Authority

This authority is true for Mental Projectors who have a lot of openness with a defined Crown or Ajna center or both defined. With mostly open centers, your guidance doesn’t come from within, instead you receive your guidance from your environment, taking it in through your open centers.

Actionable Steps:

  • Your environment is everything. Because you take-in and receive guidance for your decisions directly from the environment you are in, pay attention to what type environments help you thrive and which hinder you.

  • You may talk things through with others in order to help you decide what is true and what’s not, or what people and environments help you make the best decisions for you.

  • Allow yourself time to “try-on” different environments to understand how you best work and the environments that help you make the right decisions for you. Then, don’t be afraid to set more boundaries with others that you need, especially when making decisions.

Lunar Cycle Authority

As a Reflector with all open centers, you are different from all other types and authorities as a Lunar being. With a Lunar Cycle authority, you will typically follow the 28-day cycle of the moon to provide you with a consistent and familiar pattern to help you make your decisions over time.

Actionable Steps:

  • Because of all of your open centers, you do not have internal guidance or energy to tap into. Instead, the moon cycle provides familiarity and consistency to work with to help you understand your own “phases” during this cycle, which is what helps guide you in your decision making.

  • Allow yourself the most time you can to make the right decision for you — ideally about 28 days to complete your cycle. When possible, how can you ask for what you need, including more time and space, to consider a decision.

  • As you practice giving yourself time and better understanding yourself during this 28-day cycle, you should gain clarity on how you typically change and act during these different phases to help you feel into decisions easier and, ideally with that understanding, a bit quicker to help you make decisions, especially when you may not have the full 28 days time.

  • How can you create more consistency in your day-to-day to help alleviate having to make too many decisions that might overwhelm you. Can you set a schedule, meal-plan, etc.

Human Design & Personality Readings

During this reading, you'll get to explore your unique design through Human Design (and/or Enneagram & Meyer's Briggs). You’ll walk away with a deep understanding of how you best work, set goals, make decisions, and manifest so you can immediately implement and create your success!


Want to explore Voxer Coaching?

Especially if you are a Manifestor or have a defined throat center, Voxer Coaching was made for your design!

Get unlimited access to have the space to inform and talk through anything that’s coming up for you so you can gain the clarity you need to take action, feel supported, and be coached to make your success feel EASY by leveraging your design!

About Danielle Uhl

Danielle Uhl is a Mindset & Success Coach helping business owners & multipassionates stop feeling like an imposter and build the right business for them so they can create the confidence and wealth they desire & live life on their own terms! 

She’s gone from making just $520 her first year in business and struggling with not feeling good enough to running three profitable & sustainable businesses. The #WATCHME™ brand encourages others to embody the mindset to own their power, feel confident, build their version of wealth and success.

Combining 10+ years in corporate, 7+ years of entrepreneurship, MBA, and certificates in Life Coaching, CBT for coaching, and NLP, Danielle takes an individualized and holistic approach to integrate Life + Mindset + Business coaching.

Get free resources and accessible tools to start and grow your business here.

Or book a discovery call with Danielle here to explore working together here.

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