Danielle Uhl | Business Services & Coaching for Small Business Owners

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Why Group Programs Haven’t Worked for You

Why Group Programs Haven’t Worked for You

If you’re like me, you’ve probably invested in Group Programs thinking, “THIS is the thing that’s finally going to get me the results I want – the missing piece.”

They promised you…

  • “Proven-processes” to get clients

  • $10K months

  • Sign Clients without Sales Calls

  • And more…

So, you attended all the calls, did the worksheets, implemented the to-dos, and invested a LOT of your time into it, let alone the money you invested. You were all-in to do the work!

But as the program wrapped up, you found yourself feeling a lot of emotions…

  • Feeling behind like you didn’t get everything done, wishing there was more time

  • A little confused because you know steps you “should” take, but something doesn’t feel right – and there’s a lot of resistance & procrastination coming up

  • A bit disappointed, like some of it didn’t fit your business – your business is different and you’re not sure how it translates to your unique business or challenges

  • Kinda frustrated because you don’t have the results you thought you would

  • Feeling like there’s something wrong with you because you don’t have those results

I’ve been there too.

This is the biggest problem I hear from my clients – you’re not alone in feeling this way.

Here’s why group programs haven’t worked for you.

Let me start by saying, these strategies the programs promised you can and have worked for some people. Does it mean they don’t work for you? Not necessarily.

There’s no one-right way to do business – I often joke that, if there was, I’d sell you that and we would all be successful, and you probably wouldn’t be reading this email right now.

There are many ways to do Business & Marketing.

And I fully believe that anything can work, if you work it – but let me tell you, it’s taken me a LONG way to get here.

In my 10+ years of entrepreneurship and 3 different businesses, I’ve been where you are, struggling to get going and sign clients.

I definitely was NOT an overnight success…

When I started my photography business, I only made $520 my first 6-months. In my coaching business, it took me nearly 4 years to finally get my business up & running – imposter syndrome & perfectionism.

I’ve been in Group Programs where I walked away feeling just like you. Sure, I learned a lot and connected with great people. But did I have the results I wanted? No.

Here’s Why…

Your strategies have to fit YOU and how you best work


You can’t just do what someone else did to get results.

When you try, you’ll run into resistance, procrastination, and action that doesn’t feel good, leading you to feel frustrated, spiraling down into feeling worse about your lack of results.

When you take action from resistance, frustration, doubt, fear, and lack, you’re just going to feel worsenot actually get you the results you want.

It’s going to continue feeling like nothing’s working – believe me, been there!

Instead, you have to identify HOW YOU BEST WORK.

What feels good to you? What feels easy? What do you do that gets you into a flow-state? What has worked for you before to get clients? What do you actually enjoy doing?

EASE + FLOW = Results.

Even more, because you actually DO IT – you eliminate the resistance & procrastination.

Group Programs DON'T give you one-on-one support to dive deep and identify this.

Which is exactly why, even in the Group Programs & Masterminds I’ve run, I ALWAYS include a one-on-one element so my clients get private support to dive into their specific challenges, what makes them and their business different, and how they best work, personalized to them.

Not generalized.

Which is another reason why the ONLY way to work with me this year is PRIVATELY.

Deep, hands-on, one-on-one support is the thing that will make all the difference for you.

Everything is personalized to YOU and how you best work – your offers, pricing, marketing strategy, sales process, service delivery, and even your time management – how you work, how much you work, how you balance your business and life, etc.

Because, in order to FLOURISH, everything has to fit YOU.

Which is exactly what we do in my Private Mentorship program, Fucking Flourish.

I’ve had clients just like you who have come to me from group programs feeling frustrated, disappointed, and scattered who now have a business that feels good and gets results.

That’s what I want for you.

You have your business idea and goals for a reason – they are meant for you.

Now it’s your turn to Fucking Flourish!

Fucking Flourish: Private Mentorship

A 4-month deep, Private Coaching + Mentorship program to give you a hands-on partnership with me to build your unique business to fit how YOU best work and give you the one-on-one support you crave.

This isn’t a one-size-fits-all Online Course.

This isn’t a Group Program teaching high-level ideas.

This is unmatched, hands-on, private support in-and-on your business to build your unique business and help you become the CEO you know you’re meant to be.

This is the BEST way I serve my clients.

As a result, my clients continue to work with me for years.

Now it’s your turn!

Learn more about Fucking Flourish or Book your Call with me here to get started.

p.s. If you're not quite ready to commit to 4 months...

Get started by booking a 90-minute Strategy Intensive here, where you'll walk away with immense clarity and a clear Action Plan with the Confidence to take action for Big Results!

Plus, I offer a special bonus where you can upgrade to make your Intensive FREE!