Danielle Uhl | Business Services & Coaching for Small Business Owners

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"A Ship in Harbor is Safe, But That's Not What Ships Are Built For."

I have a confession to make…

I’m a Personal Development Junkie

Just look at the history of my Library app to give you the proof. I won’t just read a good book once. I’ll listen to it 10 times, and every time, I’ll take away something different. Because at different times in your journey, you need different things to keep you moving forward.

Last week, I finished Built Through Courage by Dave Hollisif you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it. With many great lessons, takeaways, and stories, there was a section at the end of the book that I needed to hear most.

Yes, I was almost in full-on ugly cry while running on the elliptical. It was an emotional, sweaty mess of a moment.

In his own story, Dave shares how a life-altering moment he faced, staring down an employment agreement to resign for 4 more years – that which he defines as “someone else’s dream job” – or to make the leap to do what he felt was on his heart into the unknown of entrepreneurship. He illustrates the importance of “leaving the safety of the harbor” to venture into open waters – in other words, getting out of your comfort zone to pursue your full potential.

He further goes on to explain how we know what has been “safe”, our comfort zone, even if it wasn’t comfortable.

In my own journey, it was sitting in my good corporate job every day, working with nice people, making a fair living with benefits, but feeling my own pull in me. That pit in my stomach feeling unfulfilled and knowing that I was meant to do so much more. That had been safe. An uncomfortable kind of comfort zone.

If I’m being honest, there have been a handful of times over the years that thought about that comfort zone – going back and getting a job – because doubt chimed back in and I thought it might be nice to have something easier again…

Entrepreneurship is No Picnic

It is absolutely been the most fulfilling thing I’ve ever done, it’s allowed me more freedom and ability to travel, it’s given me more quality time with my family and to take the best care of my own health and wellness. And, it’s been the most challenging thing I’ve ever done.

Dave also shares this message in his book. Even as a C-level Executive for the big corporation that is Disney, it was much easier than working in a startup.

The point of his book, and the point I want to share with you here is this:

There are feelings, inspirations, and ideas within you – you feel them pushing you toward something much greater – your potential is calling you forward.

You know you’re meant for so much more.

Despite not knowing where to start, despite the doubts and fears of failure, and despite the people around you that tell you “don’t quit your day job,” you KNOW it’s something you need to do to pursue fulfilling your true potential, going after what you truly want, and creating the life you dream about.

There is a nautical theme that enthralls the book, introduced by the tattoo Dave had on his forearm:

You are not meant to stay in the harbor. You are not meant to live in the comfort zone that you’ve known and live just an OK life.

You Were Built for Open Waters

Yes, you will run into challenges, frustrations, things that knock you down, things that knock the wind out of your sails and push you 10 steps backwards.

Open water – entrepreneurship – is no easy feat.

But think of your own story you will write along the way…

The people you met, everything you learned, the challenges and heartaches that you survived, the small victories along the way, all the places you saw, the experiences you had, and all of the dreams that you fulfilled within yourself just by being on the journey.

All because you had the COURAGE to leave the safety of the harbor and start your own journey to pursue your potential.

I don’t know about you, but this is what I’m after – and needing to be reminded of this message that I was succeeding by already being on the journey, in my own open waters.

Every day, when a new client books, a payment comes through, or a new opportunity comes my way, I celebrate them even more, because these are the wins along my journey of becoming the MORE I knew I was always meant for – and each day MORE expands even more.

What Got Me Ugly Crying

I decided this couldn’t go unshared…

The overall message of the book is great, but here’s what really got me ugly crying… 

Dave Hollis passed away last year

After publishing this book in 2021 about getting out of your comfort zone and having the courage to pursue your full potential, little did he know he only had two years left to live. 

He even writes passages in the book about living like you only have so many more days left, and also about visioning himself with his kids on his milestone 60th birthday someday…

That day will never be.

Which is why the message of his book hit me so much harder.

Life is Short

What if we knew we only had years, months, or days left to live? 

The point is, we don’t know.

Stop waiting. 
Stop putting your dreams off until tomorrow.
Stop procrastinating to take the first step.
Stop worrying about what other people will think.
Stop questioning if you’re good enough.
Stop letting doubt hold you back.
Stop letting fear get in your way.
Stop settling for OK or good enough.
Stop wishing something were different.
Stop getting in your own way.

Have the courage today to set sail to your own open waters and go after everything you Fucking want!

It’s yours if you go get it.

But you have to leave your comfort zone, what you think is safe, and take action.

You have to take a different action to get a different result.

You don’t have time to waste.

You never know how much time you have left.

What is your open water? 

What is the action you are taking today? 

My Call To Your Potential

So I ask you…

Will you stay safe in your own harbor? Trudging along the same old shore, day-by-day wishing something could be different?

Or is it time to cut the ties and venture into open water of everything that is possible for you?

You are built for so much more.

Your Open Water Starts Here

Coaching is what helped me set sail and I know it will help you.

The thing that will help you stop waiting, overcome imposter syndrome & doubt, get started, stop self-sabotaging, stay consistent, expand into the person you're meant to be, and actually create the life that you dream of.

But it starts with a choice to start now.

Fucking Flourish: Private Mentorship

A 4-month deep, Private Coaching + Mentorship program to give you a hands-on partnership with me to build your unique business to fit how YOU best work and give you the one-on-one support you crave.

This isn’t a one-size-fits-all Online Course.
This isn’t a Group Program teaching high-level ideas.

This is unmatched, hands-on, private support in-and-on your business to build your unique business and help you become the CEO you know you’re meant to be.

Now it’s your turn!

Learn more about Fucking Flourish or Book your Call with me here to get started.

p.s. If you're not quite ready to commit to 4 months...

Get started by booking a 90-minute Strategy Intensive here, where you'll walk away with immense clarity and a clear Action Plan with the Confidence to take action for Big Results!

Plus, I offer a special bonus where you can upgrade to make your Intensive FREE!