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Eps. 5: Interview with Tiffany Nakatani: Entreprene-her of Boss Women Unite & Love In A Cup

Episode 5 introduces the first guest interview of the podcast, Tiffany Nakatani, the found-her and Creator of Boss Women Unite and Love In A Cup. When starting her business, Tiffany found herself learning as she went along, seeking resources to assist her on her journey as a newfound entreprene-her. She came across the Women's Business Center where she acquired a Dream Builders Certificate. Later obtaining a Business certificate of completion in the Eller Economic Development Program. She has also received a certificate in Life Coaching, reflexology, and herbalism.

Tiffany is a black woman, mother, wife, sister, aunt, and friend, who has also gained experience through simply living life, and constantly changing, growing, and learning. She wants people to see her, be inspired by her story, and know that if she can do it... YOU most definitely can too.

Eps. 1: WATCHME Story: How I started in business - the transparent truth

Episode 1 is all about the transparent truth about the story behind WATCHME and why I believe in it as a Mindset. In this episode, I share my own journey in how I started, not one, but three businesses and some of the challenges along the way. We hear so many what can seem like over-night success stories, but what's not talked about enough is how different business can be for each of us but how we all go through similar challenges. I also share some fun facts about me as your host and coach.